碩﹑博二 (3學分) 諮商倫理專題研究 牛格正教授
- 1.認識助人專業的倫理守則及相關法規。
- 2.知悉諮商關係中當事人的權利。
- 3.釐清諮商員的專業角色﹑責任和義務。
- 4.增強諮商員對倫理行為的分析及判斷能力。
- 5.提昇諮商員對諮商倫理問題的研究興趣。
- 1.倫理哲學的基本概念。
- 2.諮商員專業倫理守則的內容及組織結構。
- 3.諮商倫理問題的研究方法。
- 4.諮商實務中倫理問題的分析與討論﹕
- 1.如何維護轉介個案﹑未成年當事人及禁治產人的知後同意權﹖
- 2.如何評估當事人的福祉以維護其受益權﹖
- 3.如何採取安全措施以避免當事人受到傷害﹖
- 4.如何實施公平及公正的專業諮商服務﹖
- 5.如何增強當事人對諮商員的信任感﹖
- 6.如何保護諮商機密﹖
- 7.如何處理諮商員責任衝突的問題﹖
- 8.如何處理諮商員與當事人之間的價值衝突﹖
- 9.如何處理危機諮商個案﹖
- 10.如何避免誤導及倫理非行﹖
- 5.總復習
- 1.介紹有關倫哲學及諮商專業倫理的基本概念。
- 2.討論諮商實務中的專業倫理問題。
- 3.指定閱讀資料及研究題材﹐提出期中及期末研究報告。
- 1.平時參與討論的程度。
- 2.參考資料閱讀心得報告。
- 3.專題研究報告。
- 1.牛格正
( 民80) ﹐諮商專業倫理。 五南圖書出版公司
2.牛格正主編( 民85) ﹐諮商實務的挑戰﹕處理特殊個案的倫理問題
3.Corey,G., Corey,M.,& Callanan,P.(1993), (楊瑞珠等譯﹐諮商倫理) Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions(4th.ed.)
- 1.中國輔導學會
( 民78) ﹐會員專業倫理守則
2. ACA(1995)﹐Ethical Standards
3. Pope & Vasquez(1991)﹐Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling
4. VanHoose & Kottler(1985)﹐Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling and Psychotherapy
5. Mabe,A.R.(1986), The role of a code of ethical standards in counseling. Joursnal of Counseling and Development, 64,294-297.
6. Talbutt,L.C.(1981), Ethical standards: assets and limitations. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 60(2), 110-112.
7. Van Hoose,V.H.(1986), Ethical principles in Counseling. Journal of Counseling and Development, 65(3), 168-169.
8. Beemqn,D.G.(1991), Therapist’s attitudes toward psychotherapy informed consent with adolescents. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 22, 230-234.
9. Jenson,P.S.,Josephson,A.M., and Frey,J.(1989), Informed consent as a framework for treatment: Ethical and therapeutic considerations. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 43, 378-386.
10. Costa,L & Altekbruse,M.(1994), Duty-to-worn: guidelines for mental health counselors. Journal of Counseling and Development, 72, 346-350.
11. Monahan,J.(1993), Limiting therapist exposure to Tarasoff liability:guidelines for risk containment. American Psychologist, 48(3),242-250.
12. Levenson,S.(1986), When a colleague practices unethically: guidelines for intervention. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64,315-317.
13. Robinson,S.(1988), Counselor competence and malpractice suits: opposite sides of the same coin. Counseling and Human Development, 20(9), 1-8.
14. Papanek,R.(1991), Ethical values in Psychotherapy. Individual Psychology, 47(1), 86-92.
15. Patterson,C.H.(1989), Values in counseling and psychotherapy. Counseling and Values, 33, 164-176.
16. Pope,K.S. & Baht.T.R.(1988), When laws and values conflict: a dilema for psychologists. American Psychology, October 1988, 828-829.